Panic Is NOT The Answer!!

From my point of view, the information concerning the Fukushima nuclear-plant is handled carelessly.

What little information got out was either downplayed by Japanese officials or instantanuosly picked up by western news organizations and compared to Three Miles Island or Chernobyl (Fear gets people glued to their TV's). The truth is, that the situation at the Fukushima power-plant has to be analysed differently because the circumstances are different. Also the officials have to verify informations and prevent panic, not an easy task... And since the western media acts like it might be necessary to evacuate Tokyo, it just reveals they don't know Tokyo!

If there are informations about higher levels of radiation (Even IF there are apparently no SHORT- term health risks: Who guarantees there are no long term health risks?) , people should minimize their exposure to radioactive substances (Taken from NHK

How to minimize exposure to radioactive substances
Here are some points to be careful of in radiation leaks.

Radioactive substances emitted from nuclear power plants contain iodine and rare gases.

In order to prevent exposure indoors, windows and doors should be closed and air conditioners and other forms of ventilation turned off.

When outdoors, people are advised to wear masks or cover their mouths and noses with wet towels or handkerchiefs to prevent inhalation of radioactive substances.

Skin should be exposed as little as possible.

Measures should also be taken to prevent internal exposure through inhalation and consumption of food.

If radio active substances accumulate, the human body could be affected over the long term.

Upon returning home from outdoors, people should change their clothes and wash their hands and faces.

They should also avoid drinking well water and eating food that has been left outdoors.

There is a difference between sheer panic and reasonable caution.
So please my friends be cautios, because there is every reason to be!

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